Monday, July 9, 2012

28 weeks... still pregnant!!

  Here we are... inpatient 21st day... 

Hate it, but only 4 more weeks at most. 

We hit the 28 week milestone on Saturday - Yay!

  So far the hardest part of this whole hospital thing is not being able to just go home... I am hooked up to this machine that gives me about 2 feet wandering room, except for bathroom, shower, and walking breaks (10 min walks x2 a day and 1x 30 min OUTSIDE wheelchair ride). Oh, and the blood draws every few days aren't very exciting either.  Have had a few breakdowns, Jesse tries his best to calm me down and think it won't last forever and we'll have 2 little babies soon, Thanks Babe!

  Got woken up this morning to the nurse telling me to 'empty my bladder...' Okay? I guess I had been having regular contractions for an hour or so - I couldn't feel them so there is no worry, I guess it's pretty common. She gave me some anti-contraction medicine and now they're gone :) 

  Otherwise, no big hiccups. The babies have had 2 decels (the heartbeat drops below their regular baseline for more than a few minutes and has trouble recovering) where I have had been put on oxygen - again, pretty normal for this type and/or any type of pregnancy. And from what the Doctors say - the babies variability with the heartbeats is as good, if not better, than 30+ weekers... which means they have very good circulatory systems.

  I get ultrasounds on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays to check fluid levels and watch the babies "practice breathe", which is really cool!!

  The last 3 weeks have gone by fairly fast, looking back... hopefully the next month goes just as smoothly and quick!

1 comment:

  1. Keep your head up as much as possible... Just keep thinking about your babies and you will push through all the craziness...
